Tag: Pinky & Perky

2am – Can’t Sleep!

It is 2am and we can’t sleep.

We have resorted to doing laps around the service station to try and get rid of some of the achiness from laying on the floor for hours. We then decided to hunt down some cardboard boxes and made ourselves a cardboard bed to sleep on which made things a little more bearable while we were trying to sleep. Currently cannot decide which is worse at the moment: the cold or how uncomfortable the floor is.

Hopefully with the new cardboard bed we should be able to get a few hours sleep before people start coming in tomorrow morning. This is definitely a lot more challenging than we thought it would be.

See you soon

~Sam & Jenna

Thank Yous & Our Mystery Donator

OMG guys!

We checked our Just Giving page before we went to bed and we have had some of the most amazing donations since our first facebook live video!

Thank you to all you guys who have donated to Children In Need tonight, it really has made our evening knowing that we are making a difference by doing this.
We won’t name people as we know that not everyone will want their name put on a public blog but we just want you to know that we are so grateful and your donations are going to make such a difference to children and young people all over the country.

We did also receive one anonymous donation for the huge sum of £100 and a personalised poem! We have no idea who you are and if you wish to keep it that way then of course that is okay but we just want you to know that we are so very thankful for your support! Below is the poem that was left for us:

To take on 1 challenge is certainly cool. To take on 12 some may say your a fool! To those who may doubt you, dont give a f#ck I think your’e brilliant and wish you good luck!

Thank You guys for your continuous support!

~Sam & Jenna

10pm – Darkness & Bobble Hats

Hello Again,

Well it appears we have been rather active in terms of videos since we last saw you all. It is now dark, we are very tired, still uncomfortable. We are now snuggled up in our sleeping bags with our little bobble hats on feeling very cold indeed!

We did another facebook live post around 20:30 and got an amazing response from so many people. Thank You to everyone who joined us for facebook live it was good to speak to you all and we felt very loved indeed!

Shortly after this video it got very cold and the bobble hats had to come out. To Sam’s great amusement Jenna’s bobble hat was missing a bobble due to being eaten by the family dog. Below are both our youtube 10pm update and our 10pm goodnight facebook live!

Did tell you we got a little bit video happy!

Off to try and get some sleep we shall see you all soon!


~ Sam & Jenna

6pm – Nearly Half Way!

Hello again,

Just a quick update. We are nearly halfway through the 24 hours now with 14 hours left to go. The rain has stopped thankfully but the sun has gone round the other side of the building so it is now a lot colder and we have started layering up.
We are cold, hungry, uncomfortable but still smiling!

Still lots of generous donations being received both on site and online so that is fabulous thank you so much!


We will be back around 10 pm with another update before we try and get some sleep!

Thank You

Sam & Jenna